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March 18, 2025
More Progress on Projects from Loose Threads

As you can see by scrolling through this post, I've been busy.   I've scrapped my plan for the Jemima's Creative Quilting Mystery 2025 and switched to the colors below.   I love fall colors especially the rust color, and I like this color pallet a lot better.   I also fussy cut 7 hexagons from another fabric, but those will go into another project.  I know I could finish more things if I just picked something and stuck with it.  Click the link above if you want to join in.  

The photo below shows a bit of the process ...

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More Progress on Projects from Luann's Loose Threads

As you can see by scrolling through this post, I've been busy.   I've scrapped my plan for the Jemima's Creative Quilting Mystery 2025 and switched to the colors below.   I love fall colors especially the rust color, and I like this color pallet a lot better.   I also fussy cut 7 hexagons from another fabric, but those will go into another project.  I know I could finish more things if I just picked something and stuck with it.  Click the link above if you want to join in.  

The photo below shows a bit of the process ...

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January 12, 2025
English Paper Piecing Grandmother’s Flower Garden Progress from Sewing Under the Little Mushroom Cap

Back with a slow update on this English Paper Piecing Grandmother’s flower garden quilt project. I am so happy to report an update since I didn’t touch the project at all in 2024! Can’t believe that the year simply passes without me touching this project at all, not even basting any of the hexagons. O well what’s passed is passed. 

This project is on my list of projects I listed in my 2025 challenge plans HERE>  I would love to continue the momentum with this quilt all the way in 2025. Hoping to make a significant ...

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February 1, 2024
Reacquainted… from 3and3quarters

Today, after a very long time, I clicked on a bookmark link on my web browser that’s been patiently waiting for me to give it some attention since early 2019.

That link, dear friends, was to you, here on my ever-faithful little sewing blog.

A few years have gone by with a few quilts made here and a few quilts made there. Some of them life-time favourites and others I can happily forget. (Although, I don’t think there are many of these!) Other projects have been started and then instantly dumped in the ‘I’ll finish this later ...

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November 22, 2023
Just a hexing away! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Not much got done on this UFO ..... busy doing more chores for the winter here at home and at the cottage.

As you can see, just a few hexies were added to the left side of this section with the right hand side still to be done.  This is a good take along project for this winter and I will work on it here and there.

These are the bits that will be added and they are grouped in sections so that I don't get confused.  They are just pinned onto an old machine quilting mat that I've ...

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November 16, 2023
UFO Time from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

This old UFO got pinned onto the design wall in hopes for some inspiration to suddenly come to light ..... and I figured out what to do.

First off,  my star was going to be at the centre and then go with circles.  No, that won't do.   The circles were just not enough. ... as in .... blah!
How about alternating one of the circles with leaves.  Yes, this works for me.  
Then, I decided to lengthen the top by adding 3 rows to the top and bottom of each section.  While pulling fabrics, I found that quite a number of fabrics ...

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November 9, 2023
Quilt Repair Tidbits #4 from Ann Quilts

Quilt Repair Tidbits.  The next (somewhat) weekly installment of quilt repair tidbits and photos.

This week’s tidbit:  A hand-me-down set of vintage/antique Mosaic/Grandmother’s Flower Garden blocks.

I’ll be teaching a virtual quilt care and repair workshop in winter 2024.  One thing I’ll be talking about is learning how to tell the age of the fabrics in old quilts.  These blocks have a secret key to their age. 

All the info about the workshop is on my website.  And you can email me to be added to the interest list for notification when registration opens ...

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November 1, 2023
Proxima quilt – WIP from Zarkadia Quilts

In the heart of my quilting haven, where threads and fabrics entwine to create stories stitched in color, a new patchwork adventure unfolds. Join me, in a new project that started in 2022, and is about to end. The marriage of english paper piecing and applique has always been a successfull one, and if you add some scrapiness than it is a match made in heaven!

At the heart of this project are the 6-point stars, each handcrafted using the English paper piecing technique and a favorite scrap fabric. As the stars are pieced together, they are applied onto a ...

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October 27, 2023
Halloween 2023 from Wendy's Quilts and More

Well, it's that time of the year again.  Halloween is still viewed as an American tradition in this part of the world, but more and more people are getting in to trick or treating each year.  

My Spooky Darlings quilt won't be finished for this Halloween, but it is progressing well. 

I live on a street that is well known for Halloween because it's wide and straight and a safe place for kids to trick or treat.  It's Spring in the southern hemisphere and it doesn't get dark here until after 8pm at the moment ...

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September 4, 2023
Hexie Delight! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

That is what I'm calling this top!  Hexie Delight!  How delightful!  LOL

Hexie by hexie .... this top grew and became one.  I'm so loving the hexie border.  This was my husband's suggestion and how right he was.

Backing has been chosen and it will be going to Kathy for machine quilting.

One more UFO ticked off the list.  Oh, happy days!

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

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August 31, 2023
August Binding Challenge from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

My quilt for August was finished well before the month ended and here it is.

 "Dilly Flowers"

A few close-ups of a few flowers, the quilting design and the applique border.

Quilt Details:

Source:  Designer Elise Baek from English Paper Piecing Society on Facebook.  The applique section was found on Shutterstock and adapted to suit my look.

Started:  February 2022

Top Finished:  March 2023

Quilt Finished:  August 2023

Quilt Size:  59-1/2" x 74-1/2" (top size before quilting, washing and drying:  61-3/4" x 78")

Batting:  Hobbs 80/20 cotton poly batting

Machine quilted by:  Kathy Wareham using "Lucky ...

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August 24, 2023
An Exhibition and Hexie Love on Free Motion Mavericks from Quilting & Learning

Welcome to week 443 of the Free Motion Mavericks linking party. I'm still not spending much time in my studio, but it's because I have a companion who would rather spend time outside or in the living room than in my studio

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August 22, 2023
Sooooo close! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

I'm so, so close to getting this UFO into a flimsy.

This is where it is at now ..... just the remaining left border to do!

These two sections have been sewn together and just need to be attached to the center on the left hand side.
Finally .... just two more sections to sew together!  So, so close!
Lots of things have been happening here and will continue for a while longer.  Between appointments for hubby and myself and babysitting and cottage ...... whew, I need to come up for a breather!  Right now, blogging is taking a back seat and ...

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August 8, 2023
Just Hexing along .... from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Can you see me rubbing my hands with glee?  Much, much progress has been made on this UFO!  Part of the red hexie border has been sewn together and attached to the center.

Three small sections are now ready to be attached to the center and to the border.  One section at a time and this top keeps moving along.
This photo below gives you a good idea of what remains of the red border to do.
Labels have been pinned to the left side border and photos taken.  Soon, all these hexies will get pinned onto my working boards ...

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July 7, 2023
Millefiori Quilts 5 from Wendy's Quilts and More

Can you believe that Willyne Hammerstein has produced enough Millefiori Quilts to fill 5 different books now?

Yes, volume 5 of Millefiori Quilts has just been released by QuiltMania and I'm lucky enough to have my own copy here in front of me.

You might think, "How many different designs can you make out of hexagons, triangles, diamonds and squares?", but that's where Willyne has been thinking outside of the box and has started using irregular, non symmetrical shapes in these new quilts in Millefiori Quilts 5.

I've already bookmarked some favourites and I'm tossing up ...

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June 17, 2023
Getting Hexie with It from Becca's Crazy Projects

Sometimes I have a few minutes to work on a hexie flower. That's it, that's the entire post. Someday I will finish this project. Someday. 

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April 2, 2023
From Apple Core Template to English Paper Pieced Bridal Vase from Gefilte Quilt

I'm been playing around with turning flat quilting templates into 3-D constructions. Here's one of my new experiments

It's 8" tall. I think it's a spinal column vase, and it started with a 2.5" template acquired years ago. 

Longtime quilters recognize this as a classic apple core shape. Google "apple core quilts" you'll find books, patterns and kits to make scrappy quilts with hundreds of pieces this shape. Especially "charm" quilts, with a different fabric for each piece.

The results are definitely charming - but never charming enough for me to want to make one ...

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March 21, 2023
Pyramids from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Here it is .... my "Pyramids".   All done and ready for hanging come August/September when the autumn quilts come out for display.  This was done using EPP method.

Quilt Details:

Source:   Inspired after seeing Canadian Needle Nana making pyramids to make some too.  EQ7 came to the rescue and viola .... here is my version all done by using EPP (English Paper Piecing) method.

Started:  August 2022
Top Finished:  November 2022
Quilt Finished:  February 2023

Size:  50-1/4" x 68-1/2" (top size before quilting:  51-1/2" x 70")

Batting:  Hobbs poly

Machine quilted by:  Kathy Wareham using "Maidenhair Fern" quilting ...

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February 21, 2023
Project QUILTING 14.4 – A Novel Project from Quilting & Learning

Yes, I'm back - I can't believe it either, but how could I resist a challenge about books and novels? It just had to happen

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January 29, 2023
stash report 1/29/2023 from Making A Lather

These are mystery jelly rolls from last December. I am including in this years totals because I was hiding them from myself.


Stash report January 29, 2023

fabric added: 6 yards
fabric added year to date: 19 1/2 yards 

fabric used: 25 + 12 yards donated   sea swept finished 

fabric used year to date: 49 yards  

29 1/2 yards used more than bought - Yippee I have flipped to the used side

I sewed 6 days last week.  including Friday sew

Last week, I stitched and finished a hexie while traveling in the car. This week, I hope to ...

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